Peder Sather Grant Program – FAQs

Q1: What is the purpose of the Peder Sather Center grants program?

A1: The Center aims to strengthen ongoing research collaborations as well as foster new research collaborations between UC Berkeley researchers and researchers affiliated with the nine participating Norwegian consortium institutions. The Center accomplishes this goal by supporting activities such as workshops, mini-conferences, virtual intellectual exchanges, exchanges of graduate students and postdoctoral fellows, the undertaking of pilot studies, and the undertaking of core research activities.

Q2: What are the grant opportunities that the Center offers?

A2: The Center offers grants of between $10K and $25K. Funds are made available for two academic years.

Q3: What kinds of activities can the grants support?

A3: The grants can be used for travel and living expenses for eligible Primary Investigators as well as other eligible members of research teams. The grants may NOT be used to cover salary or stipends for faculty members involved in projects. Nor can they be used for the purchase of equipment or to pay for the costs incurred in the publication or dissemination of results. Stipends to research team members (not the Primary Investigators) are limited to $10K at the University of California, Berkeley.

Q4: Who is eligible for the grants?

A4: In order to be eligible for a grant, a research team must include one member from the UC Berkeley and one member from one of the Norwegian consortium institutions. The research team must have already formed a partnership (formalized in a collaboration commitment letter). The Principal Investigator(s) affiliated with UC Berkeley must be ladder-rank faculty while the Principal Investigator(s) from the Norwegian Consortium Institution(s) must hold an equivalent position.

Q5: What is the application and evaluation timeline?

A5: The grant application is available beginning November 15, 2023. Applications are due by April 1, 2024. Award decisions will be announced in mid September 2024 and grant funds will be available from October 1, 2024 through September 30, 2026.

Q6: Is feedback available if my project isn’t funded? 
A6: We do not provide feedback on unsuccessful proposals. 

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